Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Toby's 3 quotes

1) “Global conditions, one might say, signifies transcultural confusion. At the same time, the network creates conditions of intercultural exchange that render politically noxious any culture which cannot decode the messages of others, which insists that only its transmissions have meaning or are significant.” (11)

2) “Hybridity of cultural objects and their continual transformation in planetary exchanges now form the matrix of human experience.”(23)

3) “The psychic, the political, and the cultural unconscious are all registered in a field of human relations; by contrast, the media unconscious includes the dimension of the thing. The media unconscious estranges the human from itself, introducing a symbiosis of human and machine that destabilizes the figures of the subject and object.” (36)

4) “Others are hopeful that globalization is not simply an extension of capitalist markets but the beginning point of a new form of collective human life.” (47)

5) “If I am granted such a modest epistemological poster, I propose here to discuss the assemblage of networked digital information and humans in relation to globalization. I intend by this combination of humans and machines to designate not prosthesis, not a machine addition to an already complete human being, but an intimate mixing of human and machine that constitutes an interface outside the subject-object binary.”(48)

6) “Digital culture enables the transformation of any text, image, or sound, so that fixed objects like books and films – a fixity that has been taken for granted in modernity – are no longer default features of art. Digital conditions of cultural life also bypass physically determined identities, including disabilities (even paraplegics can communicate on computers), bodily characteristics, ethnic origins, national citizenship.” (52)

7) The Internet is virtual not in its lack of territoriality but in its departure from space-time configurations associated with earlier forms of communication” (55)


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