Thursday, March 29, 2007

Quotation Please

Here the magnificient bitties are. Enjoy them as you would a crumbly and hot piece of apple crunch cake.

Fantabulous Quotation Un:
"Hybridity of cultural objects and their continual transformation in planetary exchanges now form the matrix of human experience" (23).

Fantabulous Quotation Deux:
"The conflict of the colonizer and colonized characterizes the entire trajectory of Western globalization, but in each phase of that history, the figure of the colonizer and the figure of the colonized take on different dimensions and are fraught with different patterns of strife" (28).

Fantabulous Quotation Trois:
"In the end, Samuel Beckett's 'What does it matter who speaks?' poses the challenge of a planetary system of networked information machines and human assemblages. Until we develop a critical theory that is able to raise this question in our media context, we cannot expect to contribute significantly to the formation of a discourse of postnational democratic forms of power" (65).


At 4:24 AM, Blogger Becca Skinner said...

Diedre I love number 3 especially. That is one of the very main points about all this stuff, isn't it? We have no way to assess, let alone a language to critique this exponential new genre called digital media.


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