Tuesday, April 03, 2007


I don't do Apple Crumb Cake, but it does remind me that I need to branch out from boule's of soup and apple cider. Without further ado, a price fixe menu:

Appetizer: Scallops and Bacon:
"Only in the digital age can social markers of the physical world - gender, class, age - be nullified" (99). Perhaps true, but this quote, part of Poster's dialogue on identity theft, takes too narrow a view of the identities constructed by analogue mediums. Fluctuating identities beyond physical markers are not, or should not be a new concept.

Entree: Grilled Ostrich in a bourbon glaze, sweet potato mash, szechuan green beans:
" The degree of autonomy of each culture is significantly reduced as a consequence of global information exchange" (1). While I don't necessarily agree with the basic premise, I like that Poster acknowledges the danger and reckless means by which a constrained local works to maintain autonomy - I see your President Bush and raise you a second term.

Dessert: Chocolate Mousse, in a tulip truffle shell:
"The conflict of the colonizer and colonized characterizes the entire trajectory of Western globalization, but in each phase of that history, the figure of the colonizer and the figure of the colonized take on different dimensions and are fraught with different patterns of strife" (28).
I agree wholeheartedly with this, but argue that the overemphasis on this pattern, or the excessive weight placed on the historical implications of this pattern, are drastically affecting the way we approach relations today, as for example in race relations, interactions with the Middle East, and to some degree, feminism.

Gratuity will be included in the check!


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