"There are many who, for one reason or another, prefer to have their books found out for them. But for the complete zealot nothing transcends the zest of pioneering for himself . . . We visit bookshops not so often to buy any one special book, but rather to rediscover, in the happier and more expressive words of others, our own encumbered soul."
Christopher Morley,
On Visiting Bookshops
I visit the bookstore weekly, usually Barnes and Nobles here in our book-pauced hamlet. There is one independent bookseller, The Paperback Rack at 3rd Ave. and Monroe St.(Good!) but while virtuous it is musty dark cramped and smells slightly-- no seating either. B&N has coffee and for my interests seems to beat out the sexier Borders (across town) at a ratio of about 10 to 1 when it comes to having what I want on the shelf, plus the staff will gleefully order things which come quite fast. One Borders advantage is that while we do not rate a super-size media-stocked B&N in Tallahassee, the Borders store does carry electonic material which is a plus-- but you could actually close me up either place for a week and I'd be happy as a toad.Coffee, AC, comfy chairs and carpet-- books and books floor to ceiling... that would be my idea of a good time-- I would require deliveries of healthier food though-- I don't think the cafe cuisine is very good for long term consumption--a Panera's attached would do nicely!.
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